Fish Roe Dip


Fish Roe Dip

Taramosalata (Tah-rah-moh-sah-LAH-tah)

This dip will range in colour from light peach to bright pink according to the roe used. It has a salty taste that makes a great appetizer with drinks. Often referred to as the “poor man’s caviar.

Serve it with crunchy pita chips, or bread sticks.

Preparation time: 10 minutes + 30 minutes refrigeration time, Makes 2 cups
  • 4 Slices of pita bread
  • 3 large Potatoes, pealed, boiled and mashed, (about 600g)
  • 4 oz (115g) roe of codfish, lumpfish or grey mullet.
  • 1 med yellow onion minced
  • 2 small clove garlic crushed
  • The Juice of 2 fresh lemons
  • 1 Cup ENVY Extra Virgin Olive Oil
First boil the potatoes and mash them.

In a food processor combine bread, Potato, fish roe, onion, and garlic until the mixture becomes creamy. While motor is operating gradually add ENVY Olive oil in a thin stream; followed by the lemon juice.

Transfer to an airtight container, let it cool and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes before serving.
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