Marinated Olives


Marinated Olives

Elies ( Eh-lee-EHS )

The sight of an old olive tree is remarkable. The older it is, the more magnificent and twisted their shape become. They survive for hundreds of years in very hot and dry climates. Their will to keep on giving, generation after generation makes this tree almost holy in Greece. No matter the meal, Greek marinated olives always find their way to the dinner table.

Preparation: Overnight Soaking Time

Marinated olives can last for several months in the refrigerator.
  • 2/3 Cup ENVY EVOO
  • 1 Cup Kalamata Olives
  • 3 tbsp red wine vinegar
  • 2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
  • 1 tbsp oregano
Soak the olives in a bowl of fresh water overnight. This helps remove the salt brine that the olives are originally packaged in.


Add the olives with all of the remaining ingredients to a glass jar with a lid. Mix and refrigerate.

Remove the olives from the fridge 30 minutes before serving so that ENVY EVOO has time to liquefy again.
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